Online Resources


The purpose of ASME is to attract young minds to the field of Mechanical Engineering through various programs and initiatives. ASME has multiple opportunities for scholarships and at-home education resources.


Battelle for Kids is partnering with the Tennessee Department of Education to provide services and resources that support key components of district Scopes of Work.

CyberPatriot is the premier national youth cyber defense competition created to inspire high school and middle school students toward careers in cybersecurity or other science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) disciplines critical to our nation's future. The competition was conceived by the Air Force Association.


Experience a variety of powerful and engaging resources designed to fuel a cultural shift around STEM teaching and learning. Teachers will become effective STEM instructional leaders and students will gain valuable critical-thinking and solution-seeking skills for life. Students will activate their inner explorers, propelling them to success in college, careers, citizenship, and beyond.


Visit to view the McGraw-Hill Construction Video Library.  This video library showcases fascinating construction projects, and is a great way to bring real-world projects into K-12 classrooms. also features an education section which provides information for students considering construction careers, as well as a 24-hour live-streaming construction cam from job sites around the world! 


This is a link to the Online Academic Support and Tutoring for the University of Memphis.


Competitions, resources and much more all provided by LEGO education.


Girls Experiencing Engineering (GEE) is a fast-paced, interactive summer program (structured in a series of one week, 20-hour intensive sessions) that seeks to instill young women with confidence, interest, and awareness of the wide array of career opportunities within science, technology, and engineering fields. This link contains a vast resource of TN standards-based lesson plans developed for the program since 2011.  All activities are engaging, project-based lessons demonstrating applications of STEM concepts.


This website provides teachers with learning resources and curriculum that is necessary to educate middle and high school girls as to how exciting and fun-filled engineering can be. Special outreach programs for all grade levels are provided as resources to help girls get deeper experience and work with engineering.


Free practice tests across 120 subjects, and over 50,000 professionally written problems. Includes all levels and areas of math, science, English, history, and foreign languages , as well as all the common standardized exams such as the SAT, ACT, GRE, GMAT, LSTAT, MCAT, ISEE, SSAT, and so on. In total, students have taken over 20 million problems on the site. Each question is tagged down to the core academic concept being tested.


The VEX Robotics Competition, presented by the Robotics Education & Competition Foundation, is the largest and fastest growing middle school and high school robotics program globally with more than 20,000 teams from 50 countries playing in over 1,700 competitions worldwide. Competition locations and dates vary.